Choice of Major
College Major Scorecard
The College Major Scorecard (CMS) helps students find a major that is a good fit. This 147-item assessment leads directly to the 49 majors most common at universities. Based on the kinds of work activities that each major is most likely to lead to, the CMS helps students pick a major by making a connection between their knowledge and abilities, their choice of major, and their future career options. Using an innovative, detachable scorecard design, the CMS is easy to score and easy to interpret. In addition, it provides suggestions and worksheets for further research.
Meet a Career Advisor
Our career advisors are available to meet with you individually. However, it is up to you to make major decisions, act on your decisions and make your career plan a reality. Confidentiality of personal information, assessment outcomes, and credentials is guaranteed. You can make use of this service as early as your freshman year.
You can schedule an advising appointment on your CareerWEB account at the Counseling Appointment section.
Attend Find Your Major Workshop
The Career Center offers the Find Your Major Workshops throughout the year. For details about the workshops, refer to the Events section on the CareerWEB.