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Scope of Service

These service terms and guidelines apply to students/alumni seeking AUC Career Center services.

The Career Center services are limited to enrolled AUC students studying towards a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. degree and alumni holding AUC academic degrees.

High standards of professional conduct from AUC students/alumni are expected and required while engaging in career events, programs, and services. By using the Career Center services, any AUC student/alumni user agrees to adhere to the following terms and guidelines:

Career Advising Appointments

  • To cancel a career advising appointment, you must communicate your apology to the Career Center six hours prior to the appointment through your CareerWEB account, or via email/phone.

  • If you do not show up to your career advising appointment without a prior cancellation notice or apology, you will be denied access to scheduling any career advising appointments for two weeks.

Career Events/Programs

If you sign up for a job shadowing visit, a “Day in the Life Session” or an appointment for a mock interview by professionals or any career-related conference and know that you will be unable to attend, you must inform the Career Center at least three working days in advance via email. Failure to do so shall result in the following:

  • For job shadowing, mock interview appointment or any career-related skills conference, you shall be blocked from Career Center services for a six months duration. 

  • For “A Day in the Life Session,” you shall be blocked from using Career Center services for one month.

Competitions/Workshops with Employers

  • By confirming your attendance to employers’ competitions, case studies or workshops, you must attend the event. 

  • Failure to show-up on the day without sending an apology email three working days in advance shall result in banning access from all Career Center services for a six months duration.

Career Opportunities

  • If you confirm any appointment with an employer/department, you are expected to show up on time. In case of an emergency, you must apologize via email/phone to the employer (or to the Career Center if the appointment is coordinated through the Career Center) three working days in advance of the set appointment. Failure to apologize in advance without prior notice, the following shall take place:

    • You shall be placed on hold and denied access to the Career Center services/events until you send an apology letter to the employer with a copy to the Career Center, within ten days of notification.

    • If you fail to send an apology letter within the set duration, you shall be placed on hold for a six months duration, and you must meet with the recruitment manager to reactivate your eligibility to use Career Center services.

  • If you accept an opportunity and do not show up on the start date or continue the entire agreed upon duration, upon employer/department complaint, you shall be placed on hold, and you shall be denied access to Career Center services for six months.

Disclosure of Information

The Career Center does not disclose student or alumni information to employers. Employers have no access to student data beyond the information shared by the student in their resumes and/or other documents upon application to opportunities.

By applying to vacancies, you acknowledge that you are sharing data in your resume information with institutions outside the American University in Cairo with the purpose of fulfilling your job application(s). These institutions will have their own privacy policies outlining how they handle candidate data. It is your responsibility to review their privacy policies before applying for positions.

The University and its Career Center facilitate the interaction between employers and its students/alumni but are not responsible for the employer’s hiring procedures, selection of candidates or employment contracts. If an employer and a job candidate using the Career Center enter into a dispute, they both agree to release AUC and the Career Center from any direct or indirect liability, claims, damages, or losses of any kind and nature in relation to this dispute.

These service terms and guidelines apply to all employers seeking to engage with AUC students and alumni, including full-time jobs, part-time jobs, internships, corporate competitions, job shadowing, career exploration programs, career readiness and employability programs and events through AUC’s Career Center. Employers are expected to abide by these guidelines in their engagement. 

  • The Career Center services are directly provided to employers. Third-party recruiters including employment agency, search firm or contract recruiters are not allowed to utilize the Career Center services or participate in any of its activities.

  • To access the Career Center, employers should have a current commercial registry, tax ID and/or valid business/operational license in the country in which they are hiring.

  • Resumes and any other personal identifiable information that are obtained through Career Center's Services or CareerWEB - the University’s web-based career management system - is confidential information. The use of this information shall be limited to members of the hiring organization who are involved in the screening, interviewing, and/or hiring process, and shall not be disclosed to any other party/organization. Companies that fail to abide by this Policy shall be prohibited from utilizing the Career Center services in the future.

  • All job candidates, whose resumes are forwarded by the Career Center to prospective employers, have provided their consent for this referral or have applied in person or in response to the company’s announced opportunities.

  • The Career Center shall:

    • Maintain equal opportunity compliance and follow affirmative action principles in providing its services. 

    • Disclose the organization’s name to AUC student/alumni candidates and provide them with employer profile and accurate information, e.g. job description, salary and requirements of career opportunities.

  • Employers shall:

    • Provide the employer’s contact information to the Career Center, including a key contact person, business address, website and corporate contact email address that has the company's website domain. The Career Center shall treat this information confidentially and shall not communicate it to the students/alumni, unless otherwise authorized by the employer. 

    • Inform the Career Center and student/alumni applicants of the recruitment process and of the purpose/nature of any tests/assessments that may be required as part of the process. 

  • The Career Center reserves the right to refrain from providing its career services to any organization, or to decline to announce or modify any job posting that is non-compliant with any of the above terms or - in its own judgment, is not in the University's best interest and its students/alumni.

  • The University and the Career Center facilitate the interaction between employers and its students/alumni potential job candidates, but are not responsible for the employer’s hiring procedures, selection of candidates or employment contracts. If an employer and a job candidate using the Career Center enter into a dispute, they both agree to release AUC and the Career Center from any direct or indirect liability, claims, damages, or losses of any kind and nature in relation to this dispute.

  • AUC students and alumni are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. In case that a student/alumnus does not show up for a scheduled interview appointment for any announced career opportunity on CareerWEB or fail to show up on the first day of work without prior notification, the employer should notify the Career Center immediately in order to take the appropriate disciplinary action. 

  • AUC Career Center will decline services to Employers that fail to abide by the above terms and guidelines.

To ensure consistent and productive employer relations and streamline external relations, AUC centralizes all career related programs, events and recruitment activities through the Career Center. 

The Career Center manages employers’ requests for all types of internships and job opportunities for AUC students/alumni. In addition, the Career Center organizes on-ground and virtual employment fairs, career days, job-shadowing visits, corporate information sessions, career development workshops, recruiting visits, career events, mock interviews, career challenges/case studies, and coordinates other career-related activities within AUC community. 

Any students, students’ organizations, or students’ clubs considering engaging employers in career-related activities shall consult with the Career Center for guidance and approval. Below are general guidelines for employer engagement collaborations between the Career Center and students, students’ organizations, or students’ clubs:

  • Career Events

    • Major career events organized by the Career Center, involving multiple corporate involvement such as: employment fairs and other employment events, career days, graduate study fair, and career readiness events cannot be replicated by students, students’ organizations, or students’ clubs.

  • Internships/Opportunities

    • Student organizations who receive employer requests to announce internships/jobs through their networks shall redirect employers to the Career Center to abide by the centralized Career Center Employers Policy.

    • Students, students’ organizations, or students’ clubs who solicit internship/job opportunities will receive full recognition on CareerWEB that this opportunity was solicited by their entity. 

  • Career Talks

    • Students, students’ organizations, or students’ clubs who intend to invite speakers for career talks shall align with the Career Center by email on [email protected] one-week prior to the event date. 

  • Challenges and Competitions

    • Career Center collaborates with students, students’ organizations, or students’ clubs when it comes to corporate competitions/challenges based on an agreement of collaboration between the Career Center and the student-run activity.

    • A meeting request shall be sent by email to [email protected] at least three weeks prior to the competition date to finalize the collaboration agreement.

  • Field Trips/Visits

    • Students, students’ organizations, or students’ clubs shall not arrange a field visit/trip to any employer on their own without being channeled through the Career Center.