Employment Fair: Employers’ Perspective
On its 73rd round, AUC semi-annual Employment Fair was held on Saturday, November 11, 2023. The reception speech welcomed all employers who contributed to AUC students career paths with their interest to take part in the fair. Maha ElMoslemany, AUC Career Center senior director, expressed her excitement for our students and alumni joining the fair to take advantage and make the best out of it. Around 1900 students and alumni attended the fair navigating through 79 employers offering 2000 career opportunities.
Employers were delighted to highlight their experiences at the fair. Ahmed Ibrahim, HR operation specialist at AVIS Budget Egypt, shared that the company is hiring in multiple departments, such as accounting, customer, service , and HR. “We are looking for specific mentalities; candidates are open-minded and have the right culture, that’s essential to help the company grow,’’ said Ibrahim, on what he finds special in AUC graduates.
Expressing his gratitude for the continuous collaboration, Mark McLuckie, director of the International School of Chouiefat , which is a part of the SABIS group explained that it was his 7th Employment Fair at AUC, and it is always a pleasure to come and see familiar faces. “We are very, very grateful for the opportunity to recruit our new teachers through you,” he said. “The event is going very well, qualified graduates, and interested students who still have a year to go. We hope that they come through for the schools and children in Egypt.” “AUC is always very welcoming. I’ve been to a few other non-AUC fairs, and it's a bit sterile, less welcoming,” McLuckie added.
In addition, Salwa Seoudi from the HR of Banque Misr explained that the bank is trying to be innovative, so they are looking for interesting candidates. "There are a lot of potential candidates and they are very aware of what they want to do." She mentioned that the bank is looking for students who are really passionate and that they are offering internships as well as fulltime jobs for graduates and undergraduates.
Going to business consultancy industry, Maria from HR Deloitte, a professional services firm, expressed “We are one of the big 4. I see very good opportunities for students, I see a lot of potential and interest in multiple fields. As we are expanding our services, graduates are eager to know about Deloitte, they look interesting and professional,” she said.
Diving deeper into the field, the TRAX Group team explained that the company helps clients manage their business processes and daily operations. They joined the fair searching for candidates who can contribute to the mission of the company. “We are looking for people who deal with technicalities, business, finance, and marketing students,” they said. The company is headquartered in Saudi Arabia, but they have multiple offices in countries like Egypt.
Navigating through different fields, Youssef Katamish, the co-founder and CTO of Octo explained that the company works to help the underbanked people who have bank accounts but no credit cards by giving them access to credit. “We can find a lot of talent at AUC, and we’ve been working with AUC closely in terms of working and hiring. It's always good to be back here again" he added.
Representing automotive industry, Kayan Group's trading and investment team, working with Fiat, Skoda, Audi, and Volkswagen, expressed their excitement to join the fair and find AUCians to fulfill various vacancies and internships.
Nevertheless, the Career Center is working tirelessly with major associations and all departments to include as many diverse companies at the Employment Fair to cater to all students’ career needs. Looking forward to witness AUC’s alumni successful career journeys.