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Job Shadowing Program

In a job shadowing visit, the employer hosts an undergraduate student or a group of undergraduate students, physically or virtually, to experience the day-to-day tasks of a professional on his/her job during a typical working day.

Usually, the professional can carry out his/her regular work responsibilities, and the student will act as his/her shadow, learning through observation. During the day, the professional may need to allocate some time within his/her schedule to talk to the student about his/her work and its significance to the organization and respond to any inquiries the student may have. Finally, students may be invited to attend internal meetings whenever it doesn't contradict confidentiality policies.

How can employers benefit?

  • Identify potential interns or job candidates. 
  • Showcase your organization to potential employees.
  • Introduce students to professional-level work activities.
  • Promote employer branding.

How to schedule a visit?

Job shadowing visits are conducted on Tuesdays during the fall and spring semesters and on any working day during the winter and summer breaks.

To schedule a job shadowing visit, contact [email protected].

Tips for a successful job shadowing experience

  • Provide students with a comprehensive overview of the organization and industry, and share career advice and tips on work-life balance.
  • Assist students in understanding the required skills needed for the job as the student is there to observe and gain insight on possible future careers.
  • Express a desire to work with the students and to introduce them to a realistic view of their career field and work roles.
  • Encourage and respond to student questions, and provide students with constructive feedback, especially as it relates to realistic expectations of the student.
  • Get students’ feedback on common problems facing your organization.
  • Organize a half/full day of activities/assignments for the student and remain available during the student’s shadowing assignment.
  • Talk about safety considerations if applicable, as students may be unaware of workplace hazards.
  • Provide an overview of the workplace policies and procedures.
  • Discuss professional conduct, dress code, preferred language, or interpersonal skills as appropriate to your organization.
  • Complete the employer evaluation at the end of the visit.